PHP asort() Function

The asort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the value.

Tip: Use the arsort() function to sort an associative array in descending order, according to the value.

Tip: Use the ksort() function to sort an associative array in ascending order, according to the key.

Parameter Description
array Required. Specifies the array to sort
sortingtype Optional. Specifies how to compare the array elements/items. Possible values:

  • 0 = SORT_REGULAR – Default. Compare items normally (don’t change types)
  • 1 = SORT_NUMERIC – Compare items numerically
  • 2 = SORT_STRING – Compare items as strings
  • 3 = SORT_LOCALE_STRING – Compare items as strings, based on current locale
  • 4 = SORT_NATURAL – Compare items as strings using natural ordering
  • 5 = SORT_FLAG_CASE –






Array ( [Samuel] => 37 [Cooper] => 40 [Alex] => 43 ) 

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