jQuery Events

  1. Click() Events:
     alert("Hello World");
$('li').on('click', function(event){
 alert("Hello World");

2) Hover() Event:

$('img').on('hover', function(event){
 alert("Hello World");

Document Loading

  1. ready() Event:
       alert("thanks for clicking");

Browser Events

  1. resize() Events:
       alert("Your Windows Resizing");

2. Scroll() Events:


Form Events

  1. blur() Event:
     alert("This input field has lost its focus.");

2. change() Event:

  alert("The text has been changed.");

3. focus() Event:

  $("span").css("display", "inline").fadeOut(2000);
<span>Nice to meet you!</span>

4. select() Event:

    alert("Text marked!");

5. submit() Event:


Keyboard Events

1. focusin() Event:

    alert("Your focus in input field");

2. focusout() Event:

    alert("your focus is now not in input field");

3. keydown() Event:

    $("input").css("background-color", "yellow");

4. keypress() Event:

i = 0;
         $("span").text(i += 1);
<!-- // for html-->
Enter your name: <input type="text">

<p>Keypresses: <span>0</span></p>

5 keyup() Event:

    $("input").css("background-color", "pink");

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