How to Convert PDF to JPEG Image using PHP

In this tutorial How to Convert PDF to JPEG using imagick extension. I am going to show you how we can convert PDF to JPEG and its a 4 lines script and very easy and simple to understand. ImageMagick software suite allow us to create, read, edit, and compose bitmap images easily. We use PHP imagick extension which is mostly built-in in PHP installation so no need to include any thing. You may also like How to convert HTML to PDF in PHP,  How to Create PDF using DOMPDF in Codeigniter and How to Create PDF in PHP using Dompdf.

Steps For How to Convert PDF to JPEG Image using PHP

Step 1. Load imagick extension

$imagick = new Imagick();

 Step 2. Load PDF file


 Step 3. Create Output Image


In above all steps all code here

$imagick = new Imagick();

You can found any error like this “Class ‘Imagick’ not found”

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