How to convert bytes Into KB, MB and GB using PHP

In this simple article we will show you how to convert bytes Into KB, MB and GB using PHP. This is a simple PHP code that converts bytes Into KB, MB and GB. You may also like How to convert Seconds into Minutes and Hours using PHP and How to Currency Converter using PHP and Google API.


        <form method="post"action="">
            <input type="text" name="size" placeholder="Enter Bytes">
            <select name="convert_unit">
            <input type="submit" name="convert_size" value="Convert Bytes">
        <p><?php echo $size; ?></p>

PHP Code

$size = '';
function convert($size,$unit) 
    if ($unit == "KB") {
        return $fileSize = round($size / 1024, 4) . 'KB';
    if ($unit == "MB") {
        return $fileSize = round($size / 1024 / 1024, 4) . 'MB';
    if ($unit == "GB") {
        return $fileSize = round($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 4) . 'GB';

if (isset($_POST['convert_size'])) {
    $size = $_POST['size'];
    $unit = $_POST['convert_unit'];
    $size = convert($size, $unit);

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